Ms. Jeeva is 24 years old.  She has mother and one sister.  Her mother was destitute. Ms. Jeeva is unemployed and having thirst to earn for her family but not got proper opportunity.  She was not confident enough to start her carrier she came to know about our initiative at Kumaratchi, Jute Bag training offered in kumaratchi along with the market linkage support post completion of the training, she has prepared herself to join our program.

Jeeva was very curious person to know newer thing.  She attended the Jute bag training programme at Kumaratchi village, in the month Nov 17. During the Jute bagtraining, she was able to relate her experience with her father business issues.  She was very lively and sincere in doing the assignments given to her. She came up always with a bunch of questions for every session that other participants were also inspired to ask questions.  She picked up her business idea during the training itself and hence started preparing her business plan.

We introduced our market linkage partner TAS CRAFTS to the trainees who provides work order for jute – bag stitching.  She established her units immediately after completion of training
Now she is procuring her material from his home as the rate is very economic and there is an assured supply.  Jeeva is now very much a professionally managing his unit and she has achieved her dream, she is a proud women entrepreneur in her village earning Rs.1000 per week. She has conveyed her gratitude to ICICI Foundation.